How Long Should I Let My Tea Steep For?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How long should you let your tea steep for? While it seems like an easy question, there’s no single answer. Some teas turn bitter if steeped too long, while others taste weak if they aren’t steeped long enough. To make it easy, we’ve come up with a few simple guidelines for our teas to help you consistently steep the perfect cup.

For easy reference, we’d recommend saving this chart to your phone or desktop.

If not, you can always find our steeping instructions at the bottom of our tea labels.

Tea Steep - DAVIDsTEA Label

Start the clock

Now that you’re familiar with our steeping times, all that’s left to do is to put the kettle on, ready your infuser, and wait for the water to heat. Looking for a tea timer to help you keep track? Check out

Stop short

Did you know? Oolong and Pu’erh teas can be steeped Gong-Fu style. In gong-fu, infusion times start off very short (30 seconds to 1 minute), and get longer with each successive steeping. With each new infusion, new notes and flavours begin to shine through the cup. Give it a try sometime, and let us know what you think in the comments!

Now that you know how long to steep, make sure you’re steeping tea at the right temperature.

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