Toronto Tea Tour

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our cabin-mobile recently hit the streets of Toronto to help tea lovers cozy up to fall. Equipped with blankets, candles and other goodies, our team handed out over 5,000 cups of tea!

Toronto Tea Tour - DAVIDsTEA Steep Thoughts

In passing, you’d never guess what this tea truck held inside. But pull back the wall and it opened up into a mini tea shop, with four tea brewers and a nifty merchandise station!

Toronto Tea Tour - DAVIDsTEA Steep Thoughts

On the outside, tables were set up with teapots and candles. And of course, lots of blankets. Because whether you have all day or just a couple of minutes, every tea break should be relaxing.

Toronto Tea Tour - DAVIDsTEA Steep ThoughtsToronto Tea Tour - DAVIDsTEA Steep Thoughts

From U of T to Liberty Village, people were loving to the truck. Our only regret is that we didn’t have more time!

Toronto Tea Tour - DAVIDsTEA Steep Thoughts

But all-in-all, it was an amazing experience. We had so much fun and met a bunch of wonderful people. The only question now is… where should we do it next?


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