Coffee Tea: Reset That Habit!

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No one’s saying to cut out coffee completely. Even as tea people, we have so much love for it. But for those of you who find yourselves having more than one cup a day (not pointing fingers or anything…), we suggest a coffee replacement. Coffee tea, for example, is a great alternative. Organic Coffee Break is our top coffee flavoured tea—it’s totally caffeine-free, and features chicory root, dates and dandelion root.

Chicory root: Loved for its bold, earthy & roasted taste, this prebiotic root is the closest you can get to real coffee bean!

Dates: Rich & low-glycemic, this natural sweetener helps balance the flavour profile of chicory root.

Dandelion root: Known to help keep your gut healthy & happy, this root acts as a natural support system for your digestion.

So, when you’re really feeling like a cup of joe, try to remember that there’s more than enough room in your daily to routine to accommodate both coffee and tea—and as always, we want to make it easier on you. Give this coffee tea or any of our other coffee flavoured teas a shot, they’re to help you reset that habit!

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