Get it done with 6 productivity tips from our Head Office team

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Looking for ways to increase your productivity at work or school? Our Head Office team is right there with you. Between creating and testing amazing new blends from the tea lab to working on innovative teaware technology and daily meetings with our teams, we always need to make sure we’re on top of our game. So what’s our secret to being more productive? We asked our all-star staff from Montreal’s Head Office to share with you their top productivity tricks for getting things done.

1. Make a to-do list

To-do lists are so effective, there are entire methodologies dedicated to it like Bullet Journaling. The idea is simple: when you get to class or work on Monday, make a to-do list of what you need to accomplish that week, then schedule it in your calendar. Nothing satisfies more than crossing a task of your list.

“Making to-do list saves my life! And I love crossing things off – it makes me feel so accomplished. Planning my week also helps be block off time in my calendar to make sure I meet my deadlines.”

– Nadia De La Vega, Tea Content Specialist

2. Scheduling is everything when it comes to productivity

Having and keeping a schedule is an essential way to prioritize your tasks. Got a presentation, group project or meeting coming up in the next day or week? Plug it into your phone, day planner or agenda. Not only does help you be more prepared, it also makes it easier to shuffle things around if necessary.

“Every night before relaxing and going to bed, I review my schedule and plan the next day. That way I know what I need to be ready for tomorrow, and won’t stay up too late.”

– Amelie Provost, PR Manager

“Stick to your schedule. If it’s on the calendar, it’s easier to get it done.”

-Dominique Choquette, VP of IT

3. Time management

Like to-do lists, there are a number of schools of thought around the best ways to manage your time. But the basics are the same, assign a timeline to each new task and follow it as closely as possible. Need help? There are a number of amazing apps, including a little gem known as Toggl that can do the work for you.

“Block time off your day/week to regroup, reassess and reorganize for any emergencies. I also like to block off 30 minutes prior any big meetings to prep, and 30 minutes after to re-group and create an action plan.”

– Frank Rocchetti, VP of Visual Merchandising

4. Multi-task, but do it wisely

Having 50 tabs open at once might make you feel like you’re multi-tasking, but that’s probably not the case. A better way to do this is by pairing two separate actions, like taking calls in the car on your way to or from the office. Or finishing up your school readings on the bus or train ride home. Using commuting time can also be a great way to clear your head by catching up with friends or listening to your fave podcast.

5. Schedule some me-time

Being unproductive for a short time can also help you to feel more productive in the long run. In fact, exercise, sleep and time away from the daily grind can help you to refocus on the things that matter. Make sure to block time off for real downtime, though. No screens, no email, no texts!

6. Focus on what you can control

There are times when we all feel overwhelmed. The important thing is to know those triggers and take a step back when necessary.

“If you’re feeling overwhelmed because you’re waiting on things you can’t control (like other people), then focus on what you can control, even if it’s little wins like clearing your inbox. This will help reset your priorities and feel productive again!

– Adriana Germilli, Director of Social Media & Content

How do you boost your productivity throughout the day? Tell us your tips and tricks below.

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